Like many Chinese people, because of the education we have had in the past, I have always hold it so steadily that Taiwan was, is and always will be part of China. This is the comman opinion about Taiwan’s political position held by the majority of Chinese people. That’s how we were taught by teachers and what we see in the news.
However, after I came to the U.S. and had some interaction with Taiwanese people, my perspective changes. I still wish it in my heart that Taiwan is part of China, but I do see the how we talk in different ways, and how we think of each other in didfferent ways. It is much more complicated than simply categorize Taiwan as a province or as a country. I guess a lot of us have already noticed the differences, so most of the time my Chinese friends try to be less active in expressing their political standpoint. We try to be quiet and observe and think. Like stated in the video, Chinese people think very positively about this issue. Maybe that is because that we are always told and taught that Taiwanese people are part of our family.
But most of the Taiwanese I met in the U.S. tend to have a strong standpoint about their political independence. There are a lot of times, I heard Taiwanese express their political opinions in presentations, converstaions and class discussions casually or purposely. I am not sure whether the Chinese people they meet are the same as they thought we could be. Do they see the difference or they just do not want to admit the different and insist that we are the same as they were taught as self-centered ad dangerous.
When there is no communication between two cultures or people of two nations, the cultural differences can be exaggerated and might cause misunderstanding. That is the case of China and Taiwan, and also North and South Korea. I like very much about what one girl said in the video, sometimes it is hard to get an answer. Probably we cannot even see a solution in our whole life, but the answer does not matter. What matters is the communication and exchange between, that is more that simply an answer.