In Asia, especially many countires in east Aisa, people like to have very white skin color. In China, we have a saying that having a white skin is powerful enough to hide some faults.So in those countries, girls try to do a lot to have a whiter skin. We are holding unbrellas in a sunshine day with a lot of sunblock cream on. And usually in our concept, having white-colored skin is a big advantage for girls. There are all kinds of skin care or make up products in the market trying to help the girls look whiter and whiter.
Many of the opinions and phenomena might seem very unbelivable for westerners. I never see people holding umbrellas in the U.S in a sunny day. People here seem to enjoy the sunshine very much. Different from Asian girls like me who is always trying to avoid being exposed to the sun, people in the U.S. are very happy to embrace the sun and they even have something like sunbathe. As a result, very white skin is not always seen beautiful for them. I have a language partner who is originally fron Vietnan and was born and brought up in here is very in to tanned skin. She thinks that tanned skin makes her look healthy and beautiful.
I always find it very interesting to see how differently eastern people and western people view beauty.